Abstracts Book with ISBN: 978-1-988652-60-X

The Abstracts book of the registered participants will be published (Online) with a Canadian  ISBN: 978-1-988652-60-X and  the link will submitted to presenters.

Journal Publication

Papers that have been presented at the GPH2025 conference will  be reviewed by the faculty members  and recommend for publication in the International Multidisciplinary Research Journal - ISSN 2424-7073 as part of the proceeding volume or authors can submit directly to the "The Bulletin of the World Health Organization" a fully open-access public health journal with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries.. There are no article-processing charges associated with submitting to or publishing in the Bulletin.



Abstract book 2023 Conference

Proceedings 2023 Conference

WorldCat Indexing number : 1437801890

Paper Proceedings volume (Online)

Paper proceedings online in International Multidisciplinary Research Journal - ISSN 2424-7073


The above facilitation process will be coordinated by the GPH2025 Convener Dr. Prabhath Patabendi.

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